Lego Friends Are they stereotyping girls play?

Lego Friends Are they stereotyping girls play? This is a tough one and as usual this is not a black and white answer. I have a daughter who refuses to play with the traditional Lego. In our house, it is called "Boys Lego". When I asked her why, she told me "They (traditional lego people) have angry faces" and "they have yellow faces". I decided to have a close look at the Lego aisle. It consists of Star Wars, space ships, pirates, cars and trucks. Accessories include racing cars, weapons and space craft. I would like to argue Lego has been stereotyping play long before the introduction of Lego Friends. In Lego's defence we live in a regional area and do not have the range of choice, that city dwellers have, in our stores. Please comment below on your experience particularly if you live in the city. Since the introduction of Lego Friends my daughter is more interested in playing with Lego. She loves the encyclopaedia and keeping ...