Introducing movement with Scratch
This post will be referring to a publicly available and free project made by CodeClub Australia. CodeClub Australia has some wonderful projects that are documented for beginning Scratchers. Each year they run a program called MoonHack . In 2020 there were over 34000 participants in the project worldwide. They have multiple projects for a range of ages from early years to high school. The 2020 the " Space CleanUp " project focused on the problem of Space Junk. There is a 10 min video discussing the problem. There is also an additional Blog Post with some extra reading about Space Junk should you be interested. This project could be used in the Year 5 space content for Australian Curriculum. It is suitable for year 4 and up. Or year 3 with some experience coding. The projects will take an experienced coder about 45mins. But less advanced coders could take up to 2 x 1 hour lessons. Before using it in your class, be sure to complete the p...