Teaching Computational Thinking to Year 8

This year I am facilitating our schools first online elective. It is a semester long course for year 8 in Computational Thinking. The duration of the course is 1 semester - approximately 20 weeks, about 30 hours. Currently this a small class of 5 boys. Having a small class is a great opportunity to test this new format. I am hoping to increase these numbers in Semester 2 and attract some girls to this subject also. The purpose of the course is to teach computational thinking. The online format will allow students the opportunity to pursue personal interest projects in the area of computational thinking. The students have been allocated a room. I am in a nearby area with another class. Students have access to me during their class if required. We have one 30min face to face session a fortnight to discuss student needs and for updates. Source Methods of Communication Email Google Classroom Blogs Instant chat My tools to deliver content and assessment tasks Go...