Introducing Digital Systems to year 1/2
Year 1 and 2 are required to " Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose ( ACTDIK001 ) " The Australian Computing Academy has unpacked what this means. They need to " name digital systems (e.g. smart phone or laptop) that they interact with at home and school and recognise that they are digital systems" they also need to "play (with guidance) and use different systems to explore what they do and how they work. They match digital systems to specific purposes (e.g. using a phone to call a family member)." In NSW the above requirement is contained in the content of Outcome 11 in the Stage 1 Science and Technology Syllabus. ST1-11DI-T identifies the components of digital systems and explores how data is represented The purpose of the lessons below are to recognise and explore components of digital systems. Lesson 1 : Introduction Watch and discuss Read and discuss Hello Ruby, Journey inside a compute...