Coding for Girls

For those of you new to my blog. I am documenting my latest project "To increase the number of girls coding in my school". This is the second post in the series. I am not sure how long it will go.

Here is a link to my first post in the series

Exciting news!
I have been invited to speak on implementing coding in a primary school at the NSW Association for Independent Schools ICT integrators conference in September, 2014. To be held at Loreto Normanhurst. See you there!

First Meeting
Last Friday was the first meeting for my new girls code club, I had about 20 students. I invited girls from two year 3 classes and one year 4 class. Each class has about 12 girls, I also mentioned it to some girls who have shown interest in my Tuesday club that is dominated by boys and only attended a few times.
Coincidently there were four year 10 girls sitting near us in the library so I invited them to attend also. 

So....a fantastic turn out for the initial meeting with not much marketing. The true test will be if they return and how long for.

What did we do?
The first meeting we looked at, a visual programming tool. 

Next meeting
There was one girl who is interested in Kodu so I have arranged some machined with Kodu for this week.
I also have my new GoldiBlox kit that I would like to incorporate to provide alternative activities for girls not wanting to use the computers.

Short term goals
My goal for the second week is to organise the girls into groups that will work together on projects. My second goal is to introduce Google Classroom and use the social media component to allow the girls an opportunity to chat safely without needing email. I would like to eventually have a core group of about 15 girls who attend regularly.

I would like them to be able to: 

  • Search for tutorials with limited assistance.
  • Work collaboratively with a small group.
  • Develop the initiative and create personal projects.
  • Document progress using screen capture software.
  • Develop a channel on YouTube to help others learn.
My long term goal is:
  • To evolve my Tuesday club, that is currently dominated by some very talented boys to an advanced club that includes an equal ratio of boys and girls.
  • To evolve my Friday club, currently dedicated to girls to be a beginners club with an equal ratio.
  • To create a culture within my school where girls and boys are excited about coding and engineering concepts and are equally represented in this area.

I am eager to see how many girls return this week and if I have any new faces. 



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