Tips for working with the Makey Makey

A Makey Makey is a board that can be connected to a computer as a replacement keyboard. It can also be used with to add voices, gaming controls and interaction with the computer.

MineTap created by Shalise (yr 4) in a gifted makers program.
Strap the velcro to your hands and allows her friend with
cerebral palsy to play Minecraft
The Makey Makey requires a completed circuit to operate. It can use any conductive material to complete a circuit including:
  • Wires
  • People - skin to skin contact
  • Playdough - high in salt
  • Foil
  • Copper tape
  • Tap water
  • Living things eg: live plants/flowers

Trouble shooting

When troubleshooting it is important to only change one thing at a time and check the circuit after each change. This will ensure you don't introduce new problems.
Create by Katie (year 2) in a gifted makers program.
Audio Tour of Paris each part has an interactive point.

The circuit isn’t working
  • the light turns on when you plug the board into the computer
  • you are touching the earth and the other key eg: space at the same time to complete the circuit, tap and lift your finger off - DON’T HOLD your finger down
  • touch your fingers directly onto the board and check the lights turn on.
  • if using lead pencil check it is 2B or blacker and has a full coating of lead pencil
  • if another person can activate the circuit
  • try washing your hands and slightly drying them
  • investigate another conductive surface

Just one point that is not working 

  • the wires are connected correctly
  • change one wire to check if the wire is faulty
  • the conductive material is in contact with the silver clip
  • if the entire board is not working
  • the USB is connected correctly
  • you touching the earth and the other key
  • change the USB cord
  • touch your fingers directly onto the board and check the lights turn on.
  • check if another person can activate the circuit
  • try washing your hands and lightly drying them.

How to integrate Makey Makey into your classroom

Geography topographic map with an interactive point with
an audio recording of the history of a settlement in early
Australian History. Year 5

The Makey Makey can be used for a variety of subject areas. They can be used to achieve educational goals in both design and digital technology.

Back of the Board
How to Set Up Guide


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